Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! Your AD could be here - email us to enquire this space nilaya@camden-live.com

Discover the spirit of Camden! Become part of the Camden experience - Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! CMDN is live music you NEED to hear! Camden is the Rock'n'Roll centre and always has been, from big rockstars to rising stars, everyone has been at some point here! Celebrate and support live music with us at our CMDN shows, spread the love for live music and keep it with us alive! We're your go-to guide for an unforgettable night out in Camden!
camden life Camden Live Flo Perlin live music live stream nnic

Flo Perlin, Jadu, Max Bianco and Grace Solero Live Stream

It’s that time again … we’ll be live streaming across the globe on Tuesday the 9th of June 2020 at 8pm UK time …

Laura Marling meets alt J meets Joan Baez kind-of-a-voice – Flo Perlin will be sharing her beaut indie folk with us. She has a grounded earthiness that makes you feel like rubbing your hands in soil and spreading it on your face.

Her cover of Bill Wither’s “Grandma’s Hands” absolutely does her justice during her quarantine dream.

It was her own song, “Give me to the sea” that drew me in and reminded me that there are genuine totally authentic and magically talented artists out there. We also happen to have a shared friend on facebook. So it was meant to be…

Jadu is likely to kick ass here. She’s a German singer from Berlin. She was set to play the O2 Forum but the lock down has sent her our way instead.

She calls her music “Military Dream Pop” which kind of sums up her style. Touches of hip hop plus prog rock plus pop = Jadu. Her sound reminds me of St. Vincent’s hat tip to military styling.

What’s interesting here, though is that Jadu’s songs are often about anti-war messaging. Military language plus BDSM references?! Yes, please!

Playing solo, Max Bianco is the closest thing to Dylan from the old days other than the man himself. With his band, the bluehearts he sounds a little more 90s indie rock …

He has a rolling stone vibe, feels like someone who’s stumbled through your railway station to visit a tiny venue in some unnamed town in the middle of nowhere, just because he loves gigging.

He’s also a fan of big hats.

Grace Solero are a political, punchy rock band. Sometimes esoteric, and dreamy in sound, during their down time. Wild live, with a lot of hair thrashing from the lead, Grace Solero. Anti-war themes with celtic vocals that range from lilting melodies to screams…

Check ’em all out here.

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