Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! Your AD could be here - email us to enquire this space nilaya@camden-live.com

Discover the spirit of Camden! Become part of the Camden experience - Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! CMDN is live music you NEED to hear! Camden is the Rock'n'Roll centre and always has been, from big rockstars to rising stars, everyone has been at some point here! Celebrate and support live music with us at our CMDN shows, spread the love for live music and keep it with us alive! We're your go-to guide for an unforgettable night out in Camden!

Birdeatsbaby – Ribbons – Dark and Twisted

Birdeatsbaby releases are always worth checking out. The band pushes it and opens dark doors for you to explore – at your own risk. Dial-up their music video release for “Ribbons” and feel the dark, twisted slo-mo sexual vibe.

The sound is sweeping and haunting as you get stirred with Mishkin’s BDSM allure. She beckons viewers to join her on her wicked journey beyond convention and into parts unknown. The band is equally perilously erotic as they throw the siren’s charm at you, welcoming you into their web. It will be a lot easier to step into the rich, layered music, full of delicate performances than it will be to escape from it.

Watch Birdeatsbaby – Ribbons – music video

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