The Elias String Quartet Play Beethoven And Beamish
The energetic and highly esteemed Elias String Quartet will perform a line-up of Beethoven’s String Quartets (No’s 1 and 9), alongside Sally Beamish’s Reed Stanzas. Check their rendition of Mendohlson’s first movement for an idea of their skills.
Their sensitivity to music makes for a touching rendition of the classics. They are made up of four of the most diverse players I have ever heard, and can change the mood of a piece at the drop of a hat; from calm romance to sharp and punchy playing, for the more dramatic movements. There is a mood change round the corner every phrase, which feels so refreshing and makes for a very engaging concert.
They have appeared on BBC Radio 3 as a part of the New Generation Artists scheme, won several awards for their playing, and as Beethoven buffs, have performed all of the famous composer’s string quartets and recently released the final volume of their complete Beethoven Quartet Cycle.
Can’t wait to hear them! Book your tickets now.