Jacques Greene Delivers A Sermon
Jacques Greene brings an intimate synth show to the St Pancras Old Church this October. Expect knob-twiddling, lots of caps and a sermon delivered to what should be a full house of house heads.
Don’t expect to pin Jacques down. Since coming to the fore in 2010 Jacques Greene’s name keeps just cropping up. Amidst releasing an album and over a dozen singles, launching a label, remixing, amongst others, Radiohead, Flume and Schlomo, Greene has collaborated interdisciplinary style at the Tate Modern with computational artists and fashion designers.
His second album, Dawn Chorus, from Montreal house sensation Jacques Greene drops on the 18th of October. Four days later he’s playing an intimate live show at St Pancras Old Church before dashing up the motorway (or does he get a chopper?) to play in Manchester.
“For Love”, the new single from the aforementioned Dawn Chorus, shows Jacques morphing with the changing house styles – styles he helps to shape – bringing in sampled afro-beat drums, he’s sounding like Frankie Knuckles here:
Expect to be the least cool person in the room. And to hear ambient sonic sounds and pummeling bass. The venue is holy, the sounds will be too.
One last track, a personal fav, Nordschleife.