Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! Your AD could be here - email us to enquire this space nilaya@camden-live.com

Discover the spirit of Camden! Become part of the Camden experience - Our upcoming shows in January: 9th Dublin Castle, 16th Water Rats, 23rd Dublin Castle, 24th Camden Assembly! CMDN is live music you NEED to hear! Camden is the Rock'n'Roll centre and always has been, from big rockstars to rising stars, everyone has been at some point here! Celebrate and support live music with us at our CMDN shows, spread the love for live music and keep it with us alive! We're your go-to guide for an unforgettable night out in Camden!
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The Valentine Brothers

The Valentine Brothers, iconic American duo from Ohio, are set to serve up their classic funk for your delectation and delight. Check Lonely Nights” and The Money’s Too Tight to Mention” – with rhythms this smooth, rest assured, you won’t feel too lonely. And with tickets starting at £30, the money won’t be too tight – at least, not too tight to mention.

Major chart toppers in the 70s and 80s, the Valentine Brothers have been touring the world with their sexy and smooth songs for the past 30 years. For a classic funk band, they haven’t lost it just yet. Piano and soulful saxophone slip through their melodic and smooth sets. They’ll be joined by classic Funk dude, Randy I-Wanna-Make-Love-To-You Brown.

Wanna feel light and free n easy breezy? Feel dat bass? You’d be hard pressed to find a better way to escape from family drama and Brexit debates than with the Valtine Bro’s tunes, which transport you back to a simpler (and sexier) time.

Camden news!

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