Our upcoming shows in February: 14th Dublin Castle, 15th MARGARITA WITCH CULT at Camden Assembly, 27th Dublin Castle - Be there! Your AD could be here - email us to enquire this space nilaya@camden-live.com

Discover the spirit of Camden! Become part of the Camden experience - Our upcoming shows in February: 14th Dublin Castle, 15th MARGARITA WITCH CULT at Camden Assembly, 27th Dublin Castle - Be there! CMDN is live music you NEED to hear! Camden is the Rock'n'Roll centre and always has been, from big rockstars to rising stars, everyone has been at some point here! Celebrate and support live music with us at our CMDN shows, spread the love for live music and keep it with us alive! We're your go-to guide for an unforgettable night out in Camden!

Meet Apollo Bleu!

Ahead of our next gig Saturday 08-04 at Camden Club, we got together with our headliners Apollo Bleu, the four piece Rock/Indie band from south east London. We asked them a few fun questions to find out more about them and what inspired them to become who they are! Read more below!


  • How did you get into music?

    Liam was always curious of the music world and what it was to be a musician – after a long journey in different jobs and hobbies he found his purpose and being , quitting his full time job to become a full time musician! Dan shares this great mentality of what it is to be an artist and he was called by Liam after being shown his drumming videos by Megan and was quickly apart of this wonderful band, Megan was a great addition to the family when we were struggling with bass Megan stepped in, she had been playing guitar for quite sometime and transferred that to her bass playjyn along with her beautiful melodic harmonies and music know how. Zac has been playing guitar and pretty much any instrument that exists before he even knew how to walk and is the definition of what it is to be a musician. He lives breathes and eats music for lunch. As a collective we are a force to be reckoned with and just love the real time interaction we experience playing music.


  • What bands inspired your style and how do you differ to your roots?

    There are a few big inspirations in this band – Paolo Nutini – Idles – Kaleo – Sticky Fingers – the Black Stones – Hozier and many many more – we are inspired more by what we experience and what we can take from our journey and put into our music 🙂


  • What would you say thrills your soul?

    What thrills our souls are the simple things in life along with connection and making the best memories to stick with us forever – we’re all grounded people from working class backgrounds and everything we have achieved to this very date from from true grit and determination and we pride ourselves on not being spoon fed the gigs and things we have been able to achieve 🙂


  •  If you were to get stuck on a lonely Island, which would be the 3 albums you’ll take with you?

    Dan would definitely take songs about Jane, he’s protested this is his one of his favourite albums every created – Liam would take only by the night created by Kings of Leon it was their first album (better than songs about Jane) Zac would probably take Apollo Bleu’s new EP coming out sometime this year because this is his favourite band ever to exist 😉


  • Beatles Vs Stones?

    Stones all the way !! Fun fact we’re from the same town as the Rolling Stones


  • And lastly, most important question: Do you believe in aliens?

    We we’re the ones who ET called that one time


Don’t miss Apollo Bleu next Saturday the 8th of April at Camden Club

>>> Buy tickets here

See you Saturday! – Nila

Apollo Bleu during our last gig in Camden at Dublin Castle!

Check out Apollo Bleu’s Socials here:

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